Sat - 18 Rajab 1446H -
Sat - 18 Rajab 1446H - 18 January 2025

Religion …Why rings?
2 Rabea’ El-Thani 1440H
One may happen to ask about the cause of multiplicity of legislatures although Allah, to Whom be ascribed all glory and perfection is the sole legislator and the unique sender of messengers to convey His messages to the people through them?
The answer lies in that urgent need of human beings to attain true perfection requires them gradual development of their consciousness and application of what comes within their reach of theorizations leading to this perfection till such consciousness opens wide its wings in applying theorizations of such perfection.

In the end we can conclude that-the higher they reach a degree, the loftier the rank they deserve of elevation on the ladder of perfection putting in mind that religion is a renewable, applicable and perfect social system-whatever it may be-in addition to its practicality on the ground of reality and interaction with every part and parcel of life for it has been springing from the All-Knowing, the All-Merciful (Glory be to Him) 
In addition to all that, religion is a natural path-way to those who seek the attainment of the other world and this can be a perfect divine program which aims at reaching the desired caliphate and the eternal heritage. (And it is He Who made you generations after generations, replacing each other on the earth. And He has raised you in ranks some above others that He may try you in that which He has bestowed on you. Surely your Lord is Swift in retribution, and certainly He is Oft-Forgiving, More ligionst Merciful." (Al-An'am 165)
Building on the foregoing, legislation has passed through a chain of rings, roles or phases which are, in other words, stages leading to perfection and there is no contradiction between them nor any variation but only a matter of gradualness and this gradualness is associated with the state of understanding the human wholesomeness and a thing as such is like the application which is imposed by the intuition that states the necessity of gradualness in the process of teaching the pupil according to the scope of his consciousness and recognition.

The more the pupil receives the datum within the context and recognizes its structure, the more incumbent will it be upon his teacher to increase the doze of his pupil's learning process so as to reach the desired standard of knowledge-receptive system of this pupil and this is what is applicable now in our schools as programs working on dual beneficiary aims; the first seeks - enhancing the spirit of learning in the pupil and the second seeks-increasing acquisition of knowledge considering this as a simple but crystal-clear example demonstrating the desired  state of perfection.