Sat - 18 Rajab 1446H -
Sat - 18 Rajab 1446H - 18 January 2025

Religion of Islam... Why?
2 Rabea’ El-Thani 1440H
We have already replied to an important question about religion which usually comes to one's mind as to whether religion is "one" or "multiple"?! after having confirmed it by mental causes, instinctive motifs and man's internal factors the necessity of the existence of "god" in the conscience, intellect and thought of every man and rather the necessity of having this god been "Allah" to whom be ascribed all glory and perfection.
And after having proved the need of man to be associated to a great unknown power by way of what is called "religion" and proved as well, that this power is none but Allah, (Glory be to Him) and the necessity of Allah's manifesting Himself before the whole of His Creation through the wholesome of His existence and translating all that to them through His ambassadors (envoys) Whom He appointed and called as "prophets" and whose messages have been the "post office" to His creation. 
Despite the fact that man is an "animate" and "sociable" creature by nature and that he is Whom Allah has favored above all the creatures by bestowing upon him a mentality ready to gain and pursue knowledge to keep contact with man's internal prophesy which is represented by the "mind."
But the full recognition of "creator-creation's" equilibrium and the concept of "creation" and "creativity" as coming out of vacuum is impossible for this creature to achieve because his     whole knowledge is mostly based on what his natural senses dictate on him which are, in fact, short of realizing the full length of truth particularly, the absolute truth which manifests itself in the very omnipotence of Allah to whom be ascribed all glory and perfection and who can imagine that there is something lacking (far be it from Him) in His creation and perhaps this same creature minimizes the magnanimity of Allah (Glory be to Him) according to the shallow standard and limited extent of his recognition, being associated with the shortcomings of his senses in addition to the limited power of the human mind which in need of a guiding hand that would lead him to the path of instruction and guidance towards the means of happiness which would push him towards all kinds of perfection.
Demand for reforming human conditions has necessitated the bringing of prophets- that is, those who were chosen by Allah – and were endowed with apparent prophet-hood and have made them mediators between him and the whole as far as preaching, warning and guiding them; therefore, prophets were in charge of guiding people, bringing them closer to Allah through preaching them as trustworthy accesses to His Almighty.