The constitution is the highest law
in the State, (concerning itself with total, not partial cases) and
demonstrates the general and the principal rules of any
Our talk here deals with the State
of the holy Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) in Al-Medina
Al-Munawara – wherein the relationship between the governing
authority and the common people is built on human standards which
can be summed up as being: a collection of basic principles – whose
function is to organize the relationship between the ruling
authority and the individuals that is, between the governors and
the governed.
And if our talk concerns itself
about the Islamic constitution, we only mean: the holy Quran with
the preservation of its priority over the modern organizations such
as: the country, the government, the constitution and the law for
its being more common and more comprehensive than what the
constitution means with regard to the modern classification of
positions among states. The Islamic constitution is
considered the Book of Allah which is descended on His Commissioned
Prophet, Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) as representing the gradually assorted
hierarchy of the Muslim's society although these organized
totalities are verily, formed roughly in its generalized shape and
all the details concerned were left to be dealt with the benevolent
Prophet via his holy and honorable legal deeds which come next in
importance to the holy Quran…."And We have descended on you the
Quran to make the people know what has been descended to them."
(Al-Nahl:44) Based upon this, the Prophet's
legal deeds will be the favorable interpreter and the clear-cut
manifestation for the totalities of the holy Quran. It stands as
equal in judgment to as the law in the constitution – for laws are
less in rank and importance and they work on giving details and
partitioning the constitutional bases clarifying the vague and the
ambiguous items and the phrases that cause suspicion and require
more clarification. The issuance of this constitution- the holy
Quran- has been descended to the people gradually and securely in
the form of chapters or stages for ease of
understanding. The Distinguished Features of the Islamic
Constitution The Islamic constitution is
characterized by its being favored above all other kinds of
legislations. This superiority has stemmed from its being the last
constitution to appear in the world of law and eventually the Seal
of the prophets in addition to being endowed with flexibility in
some of its texts especially that which is associated with those
time-being events- any events-according to what is termed as-(the
deleted verse) and (the replaced verse) and this process can award
it vitality and activation to suit every time and condition though
there were some deep-rooted pre-requisites without any flexibility
in it and it would be illegal to have the constant
moved. And if it is taken for granted that
all contemporary constitutions are characterized with the quality
of generalized sense and of their being devoid of repetitive
element, besides their containing principal subjects, not partial
ones which relate to them. Yet, all this stands contrary to what we find
in the Islamic constitution-the Holy Quran-for it contains even the
minutest and detailed partial items and sometimes the repetitive or
perhaps demonstrated in the narrative element in a manner that
doesn't familiarize or harmonize with the spirit of the widely
employed constitutions of today, we have sufficient proof to answer
that by saying: The holy Quran is a more elevated constitution
in contrast with the so-called- the modern constitutions-at least
by considering the Quran a heavenly law while the others are
regarded man-made which are subjected to whatever comes from man of
wrong, error and forgetfulness -and perhaps-a temporary
interest. Eventually, it is-the holy Quran-which wants
the people to live through a spiritual organization and
psychological rehabilitation in addition to its own language and
encyclopedic knowledge which could, at any time, enrich those who
seek the achievement of both whatever one's level of knowledge
might be-together with abandoning further details and demonstrating
its overall items to its other equivalent which is the
(interpretation) of it represented in the Prophetic legal deeds and
that of his holy Ahlul-Bayt (P.B.U.T.) with whom he entrusted all
his secrets, vital implications and the details of his
religion. All this means that the Quran: is the first
reference Book of the Muslims and their second reliable source is:
the whole prophetic legal deeds of the Prophet (the verbal, the
actual, and the reported) as a true interpretation of the Quran and
the biographic history of the Prophet by representing him as his
replica in word and deed. Amongst other relevant traits, this
constitution is characterized by its generalized sense of content
of all theological, moral and practical knowledge in addition to
its jurisprudential affairs which can serve as a guiding hand to
all and stating everything. Verily, this Quran guides to that
which is most just and right and gives glad tidings to the
believers (in the Oneness of Allah and His Messenger) Muhammad who
work deeds of righteousness; that they shall have a great reward
(Paradise)." (Al-Israa: 9) "And (remember) the Day when We
shall raise up from each nation a witness against them from amongst
themselves and we shall bring you O Muhammad as a witness against
these. And We have sent down to you the Book (the Quran) as an
exposition of everything: a guidance, a mercy and glad tidings for
those who have submitted themselves (to Allah as Muslims)"